TBI Effects: My view point

https://journalistandwriter.wordpress.com/2018/05/28/tbi-effects-my-view-point/ https://craigsbooks.wordpress.com/2018/05/28/tbi-effects-my-view-point/ and ttps://www.facebook.com/livingwithheadinjury PS “Don’t let what you can’t do. stop you from doing what you cando…best.” “You’re not disabled (limited) by your disabilities, you are able (enabled) by your abilities.” “Sharing, supporting, informing,  enlightening, “entertaining”(??), encouraging, empowering, enriching, challenging, igniting, uplifting (and perhaps even) inspiring” enough there for now, c! Shining a light of hope  in the darkest corners … Continue reading TBI Effects: My view point